Tuesday, July 10, 2018

A career-related website

HI! Today I am going to write about the internet and how I use it for my career. https://scielo.conicyt.cl/ is for me the most useful tool. The web page describes himself as a scientific library. Here is where I look for papers to my academicals research, I like it because I am not very technological and find this page really user friendly (there is no way you can miss), plus it does not have advertisements. I do not use it currently, only for work and it truly saves the bibliography.
To entertainment and a little bit of agro-culture I usually go to Netflix or TED and watch some documentaries about food production (very popular now a days in these platforms), these is something I do more often, principally because I pause the videos and see them along the week. The last thing I saw was an autobiographic movie: Temple Grandin, a woman with autism at USA who redesigns slaughterhouses to make them less stressful for the animals to be killed. Recommended.