Thursday, December 13, 2018

Post 8: Personal Opinion

Resultado de imagen para rick and morty

Hi! Today´s post is about personal opinions and I´m going to write about Rick and Morty. Rick and Morty are the names of a grandfather and his grandson; it is an American cartoon serie for adults. This cartoons are supposed to be inspirited into the movie “Back to the future”; the grandfather Rick is a scientific, the most intelligent man into the universe, also an alcoholic, egocentric, lonely man without emotional intelligence which moves to his daughter´s house and started to have intergalactic adventures mostly with his grandson Morty an insecure pre-adolescent, but also with his granddaughter, Summer and other secondary characters.

I like this cartoons for his black humor and sarcastic ways. Rick and Morty is always funny and makes me laugh. Thus it is a cartoon it is also family dramas and science; talks about multiverses, other species and different life forms. I recommended it as a classic, something in between “The Simpsons” and “Futurama”.

Spoiler alert. I always remember a chapter where Rick and Morty go to a planet where only men lives; it was a prehistoric place, they were all violence and hardly communicate. Later they discover the contrast, a women planet; pretty place, full of peace and with lots of understanding… it makes me wonder. Even though Rick and Morty is a carton, it remembers me: reality is perspective, everything is possible and nothing really matter.

If you have seen these cartoon comment on a chapter, it is always funny.


  1. Hey! I love Rick and Morty! Yesterday I was rewatching season 3!

  2. I love this cartoon serie, do you also like South Park?

  3. I have never seen this cartoon, I thought it was for children jaja ​​now I really want to see it

  4. Wubba lubba dub dub! R&M 10/10
    U need to have a high IQ to understand this show (not really),
    Spoiler alert
    I like the episode where they kill themselves of the other dimension to replace them, Morty's face after they did that was priceless
