I haven`t even finish my carreer and
already have to think about a post-grade! :C.
At most of universities people can
follow continue education at the last years of the carreer, a sort of 2 x 1
where you get both: your grade and post-grade. For me it`s too much because we
come from 12 years of school plus 5 years (at least) of university and then
more years of this continue education. Also amused me the relevance people
gives to academy, It`s ridiculous being specialiced in something you haven`t
done as a professional. Definitly do not like it, although I think practice
makes the master, not the piece of paper you pay for.
I have given myself from 5 to 7 years to clear my
mind and get into a post grade, because I want to develop myself in something
that I`m sure to like about, and because the system demands specializations
degrees. I do like flowers and gardens but it isn`t as meaningful as making
food, so I`m not quite sure about it. At these 5-7 years I will see if there is
something more engineering which interest me. Also, I want to do my post-grade at
another country and live there for a while.