Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Post 5: My future job.

Next year I will be graduated and my future job has been a current thought. More than work I would like to be part of a meaning full project, doing things which can make a difference. I`ve been thinking becoming PRODESAL or INDAP at the near future; they act as consultant to little and medium agricultures helping them to improve their crops. Also I would like to develop myself at another country, as a life experience. Furthermore, I`ve think about a post grade at another country but first have to find my specialization to do so; I do like flowers and gardens but it isn`t as meaningful as making food, so I will see if there is something more engineering which interest me. I have given myself from 5 to 7 years to clear my mind and get into a post grade.
Now a days I`m looking for a professional practice, and have been interviewed by labs and exporting companies which are pretty much what agro practices are about. It is not my particular interest but is a necessary step to finish my career, so I have been very enthusiastic at those interviews but no one has contact me yet, even though that is my future job.

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